University Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction of the University

Jurisdiction under the Code of Student Responsibility may be exercised with respect to behavior that occurs at any time from an individual’s acceptance of an offer of admission until the individual is no longer in a continuing relationship with the University. Violations of University policies, rules or regulations, or federal, state, or local law may result in initiation of the Accountability Procedures.

The Code applies only to those instances of Student or Student Organization behavior that are harmful to the appropriate interests of the University, including:

  1. the opportunity of all members of the University community to attain educational objectives consistent with the policies and purposes of the University;
  2. the protection of the health, safety, welfare, and property of all individuals in the University community; and
  3. the protection of the University’s integrity, reputation and its property.

Instances of prohibited behavior may result in initiation of the Accountability Procedures or an Alternative Resolution process, regardless of whether the alleged behavior occurred on University Premises. The Director or designee will determine whether the incident affects University interests and thus falls within the scope of the Code. Additionally, if the alleged behavior occurred prior to an individual’s acceptance of an offer of admission but an arrest or conviction occurs while the individual is a Student, the Director or designee will determine whether the incident affects University interests and thus falls within the scope of the Code.